
Postcards from Iceland/Basalt

Postcards From Iceland/Glacier

Postcards from Iceland Wallpaper Samples


Located near the Arctic Circle, Iceland is the second largest island in Europe and is situated halfway between North America and mainland Europe. It has become one of my favorite places to visit because of its beautiful and dramatic landscape of black sand beaches, geysers, volcanos, waterfalls, and glaciers. Reykjavik, the world’s northernmost capital city is known for its nightlife, festivals, museums, food and music scene, and is picturesquely set amidst a backdrop of colorful houses. My latest wallpaper design, POSTCARDS FROM ICELAND is inspired by my travels in this interesting country.

Please note, our samples are for color match and quality, and these samples are hand cut and randomly sized so you cannot see the entire pattern. We do not provide tracking for samples, as they are shipped via regular USPS First Class mail. However, you can typically expect them to arrive with your regular mail in approximately 1-2 weeks.

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